Grigory Semenchuk

Bild von Grigory Semenchuk
© Anastasia Ivanova

Über Grigory Semenchuk

Poet, musician, cultural manager. Born in 1991, in Chmelnitsky, Ukraine. Head of NGO „Art Council „Dialogue“ (since 2015).  Director of Festival “Authors’ Reading Month in Lviv”, (since 2015). Author of three poetry books „Internal Jihad“ (Meridian Czernowitz, Chernivtsi, 2012), „More verses and songs“ (Old Lion Publishing House, Lviv, 2015), “According to the original” (Lyuta Sprava, Kyiv, 2021) Some verses was published in more than 15 anthologies of poetry.  Founder of musical projects «BRAT», «LANDSCHAFT» and «DRUMTYATR». Editor of contemporary Ukrainian poetry anthology „Letter’s from Ukraine“ (2016, in polish and English translation’s) and co-editor of Australian-Kkrainian poetry anthology „AU\UA“ (2012). Some verses and article’s was translated to German (“Literatur und Kritik”, “Radar”, anthology «Jahrbuch die poesie»), Polish (“Tygiel Kultury”, «Kontext» magazine, «Listy z Ukrainy» antologia, “Fabularie”), Czech („More verses and songs“ (short version) published in Vetrne Mlyny, Brno, 2015), Italian (anthology “Made In Ukraine”, Thauma Edizioni, Pesaro, 2013) English (contemporary ukrainian poetry anthology „Letter’s from Ukraine“, Lviv, AC Dialogue, 2016), Belarusian, Slovakian, French languages. Living in Lviv, Ukraine.